Friday, April 14, 2006

More Leftist Racism

If any conservative portrayed blacks as watermelon-eaters it would be taken as offensive stereotyping. But in a snide way, a college professor (and no prizes for guessing the politics of one of those) has just done just that. And when the college got complaints about it, what did the college do? Nothing. It was only a big publicity campaign that got the college administration to come to life. Details here.

So it is clear what hate speech rule no. 1 is: It's only hate speech if a conservative says it.

Cartoon Controversy Update

I guess a lot of readers will have seen this already but the "South Park" cartoon series has just aired an episode in which obscene references to Jesus Christ and President Bush were made. Why? As a protest about the fact that Comedy Central had denied the series authors permission to depict Mohammed. And Comedy Central DID allow them to broadcast the obscene references to Jesus and the President -- thus making clear that there is a double standard at work. Islam is now the established (privileged) church that the constitution specifically forbids. Details here